
We all ask for signs from the universe or our angels or our crossed-over loved ones:

:: Should I take this job?
:: Is he/ she right for me?
::What is my purpose anyway?

We ask. We beg. We moan to our friends.

But then if you’re like most people, you’re right back into your busy day – go, go, go – and then realize a week or month later that you never got your sign.

Well, I can confidently tell you that you did. Many times.

But one of three things happened: you didn’t perceive it because you were barrelling through your day, it didn’t come in the form you expected, or you simply didn’t believe it/ trust it when it arrived.

Signs come in many forms. It could be some important words you catch yourself singing from a song you haven’t heard in years. Or the words of a magazine article or book you’re reading jump off the page so enthusiastically you almost get a black eye. Or every time you consider that job offer, you get nauseous. These are signs that we need to pay attention to. (In fact, these are your intuition at work.)

Or maybe you ask for a super far-out, specific sign. (Like the time I was debating an issue and asked the universe to send me a hummingbird in a place where I had never seen a hummingbird if I should do the thing. The hummingbird arrived.)

Step one in receiving your sign, then, is to notice that it’s your sign in whatever form it arrives. The universe doesn’t often send flashing neon instruction signs or hummingbirds on demand. The signs are usually much more subtle, so you have to be present in your body to receive them. You have to be willing to allow them into your awareness. To notice them.

If you wouldn’t recognize your intuition if it walked up to you and said “hello” – or you’ve come to rely on those wise hunches and would like to have more of them, I’ve created something for you!

Download the *free* self-hypnosis audio track that will help you Amplify your Intuition. All you need is 15 minutes and the intention to tap in. Pick up your track here.

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