
Throughout our lives, we get lots of opportunities for challenge and growth. And these often happen at major milestones in our lives:

Making a commitment to a life partner, becoming a mother, experiencing loss, career changes, divorce, kids leaving home, menopause, and – as I’ve experienced recently – becoming a grandmother. And, of course, there are so many more.

You could think of each milestone or crossroad as a rite of passage on your life’s journey.

And rites of passage always involve the death of *what was* to allow for the birth of *what is possible.*

And this is where the *real* decision is made, every single time:

“Will I shed who I was up until now, let go of old beliefs, energies and tethers – or will I choose the path that allows me to hold on to who I am right now, to the perception of safety, to the status quo?”

💥Newsflash 💥 (and you know this already!):

Trying to hold onto the status quo merely prolongs your suffering.

Or the novelty of your choice distracts you for a little bit… but you find yourself right back at the crossroads rather quickly as life gives you another opportunity to make a different choice.

Rites of passage will happen, by design or by chance. Taking advantage of them to expand your experience is life-changing.

If you’re standing at a crossroads and would like to choose the expanding experience, I can help. Go here for info about the WISDOM REVOLUTION healing and soul purpose activation 1:1 mentorship program for women.

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