I was with a close friend as she called an osteopathic practitioner named Bridget to book an appointment for her child. She had her phone on “speaker,” and I could hear the conversation.
My friend barely explained the problem. The woman on the other end of the line asked very few, very specific questions. Bridget then offered her next available appointment time. It was only after the appointment was booked that she talked about her fees.
I was captivated by the call. I recognized that I was in the virtual presence not only of an expert at what she does, but also a sales master.
But there’s more!
While the call took less than two minutes – and I’m probably being generous – right before she said goodbye, Bridget confirmed (as if there were any doubt at this point):
“This is what I do. I’m good at it.”
I smiled when I heard it. And I also believe her.
Because she is tapped into her gift. She is doing what she came here to do. She is so aligned with her gift that she is confident when she can help: It’s part innate ability, part training, part experience and part wisdom. She is ready to help those who want to benefit from her gift… and, I sense, is not too concerned about those who may find her power off-putting.
She is in the world creating ripples, not only because she’s a healer but because she is being the fullest expression of herself.
She certainly inspired me:
So reach out if you’re ready to heal from the stories of your past
💫To realign with your sense of purpose
💫To make the energetic shifts required for you to create a new vision for your life
💫To confidently be the fullest expression of yourself – even if you aren’t sure at this point who that might be – and you’d like a map.
This is what I do. I’m good at it.

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